
About Us

Mission Statement

At Organic Food Markets, our mission is to connect farmers, makers and creators with local communities. We strive to offer the best weekly shopping experiences that nourish your belly and your soul. Some of Australia's most loved food brands have launched in our markets, and we pride ourselves on providing entrepreneurs with a low-risk environment to launch their businesses, refine their products and follow their dreams.

Contact Details

Open Door Policy

Markets are central to human interaction. We believe it is important for markets to allow politicians to attend freely and openly during election times and canvas support. Our markets follow this policy.


Complaints can be lodged by following this link.

Credit Card Refund Policy

Credit card charges for stalls will be refunded if we are given notice of cancellation by email seven days before the event and we can relet the stall space. Charges are not refundable for any cancellations later than seven days before an event or for bad weather on the day, breakdown on the way to the event or similar reasons or for advanced rent paid by Permanent stallholders.

Privacy Policy

This website is operated by Organic Food Markets. We conform to the requirements of the Australian National Privacy Principles

We have no intention of sharing any information provided by you save as required by law (such as the lodgement of food papers with local councils, or confirmation of your public liability insurance) or for the completion of transactions (such as providing your credit card number to our bank).

If you have any questions relating to our policy, or what we do with information or you believe we may have wrong information about you and wish to correct is plase email: privacy@organicfoodmarkets.com.au

Work Health and Safety Policy


Organic Food Market's Work Health & Safety (WHS) Policy is based on a belief that the wellbeing of people employed at work or people affected by our work is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.

People are our most important asset and their health and safety is our greatest responsibility. The public shall be given equal priority to that of our employees.

This WHS Policy is provided to all staff upon employment/induction and is also available to interested parties upon specific request.


The objectives of this WHS Policy are to:

  • Achieve an accident-free workplace
  • Make OHS/WHS an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position
  • Ensure OHS/WHS is considered in all planning and work activities
  • Involve our employees in the decision making processes through regular communication, consultation and training
  • Provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner
  • Identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis
  • Ensure all potential accidents and incidents are controlled and prevented
  • Provide effect ive injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.

Our Commitment

The success of our WHS management is dependent on:

  • Proactive planning of all work activities with due consideration given to implementing WHS controls that are suitable to each given situation
  • Understanding the total work process and any associated WHS risks
  • Ensuring the work team is fully committed to achieving our objectives
  • Open and honest communication between management and all employees
  • Being committed to establishing measurable WHS objectives and targets
  • Continued improvement aimed at eliminating work-related injury and/or illness
  • Complying with all relevant State and Federal WHS Legislation, Regulation and Acts and any other industry-specific WHS requirements.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy demonstrates how Organic Food Markets takes accountability of its economic, social and environmental impact in the way it operates as a business. By demonstrating our commitment to CSR, we aim to align our business values, purpose and strategy with the needs of our clients, while embedding such responsible and ethical principles into everything we do.

Our CSR Policy details our approach to dealing with clients, suppliers and the local community. It also demonstrates our approach to minimising our energy, procurement, transport, water and other business usage to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact.


Protection of the environment in which we live and operate forms part of Organic Food Markets' overall values and principles. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we conduct business. Our CSR Policy objectives are:

  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice
  • Protect the environment by striving to prevent and minimise our contribution to pollution of land, air, and water
  • Keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources
  • Manage and dispose of all waste in a responsible manner
  • Provide training to all staff to ensure we all work in accordance with this policy and within an environmentally aware culture
  • Regularly communicate our environmental performance to all employees and significant stakeholders
  • Develop management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation
  • Monitor and continuously improve our overall environmental performance.

To ensure that the Organic Food Markets keeps its environmental impact to a minimum, we strive to:

  • Ensuring that all lights and equipment is switched off when not required
  • Ensuring that water is used efficiently
  • Reducing all of our transportation requirements wherever possible
  • Recycling all waste where possible
  • Sourcing recycled materials wherever possible
  • Working with suppliers who also take steps to minimise their environmental impact

Security Policy

All information provide by you which is kept in an electronic form is kept behind password protected barriers and any highly sensitive information, such as your passwords or credit card numbers are only kept in an encrpyted form,